SignsA promotional sign is a brand identity of a company, its image attracting with its informational content and appearance. Signs are the most widespread elements of construction used in outdoor advertising. These are three-dimensional letters, brackets, light boxes, neon, etc. Every type of signs has its advantages. They can be installed in different places: building façades, roofs, overhangs, premises and display windows. It is important for a sign to be bright, attractive, understandable, and memorable, and to harmonize with a general façade design. A sign should be clearly differentiated from its surroundings, and be noticeable when looking at it from far and close distances. However, in practice this condition is often not met. Advertising claiming to be beautiful due to usage of new modern means of dressing, materials and constructions, for example, is poorly visible. This problem is mainly solved by using a color contrasting with the background and the same material. It is known that contrast colors are light, chromatic and achromatic colors (yellow-orange, white) against dark colors, including dark blue-purple tints and black color. Contrast of material is achieved in case of its considerable difference from the background in various properties. A sign poorly legible from a distance can never be beautiful. Its legibility depends on the size (height) and form of letters. Three-dimensional letters as compared to flat letters are thinner and are placed at a bigger distance, so that they do not “blend” and can be easily read from a distance. In general signs can be divided into several types depending on manufacture complexity and technologies:
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